Recents in Beach

We Are Born to Be Successful

Have you ever wondered why some people are successful too much and live a better life while some people don’t have enough to eat after working for a whole day long? 

Human was created to bring forth with success. During reproduction, there are 80 million male productive cells (called sperm) come to fuse with the egg to begin the process of fertilization. But there is only one male reproductive cell (the sperm) can fuse with female reproductive cell (the egg) to fertilize the egg successfully.

In human reproduction, when the egg is fertilized by one of the million sperms, it does not allow other sperms to fuse with and fertilize the egg anymore. The reproductive process is stopped. 

But sometimes there are two male reproductive cell can fuse with egg at the same time, as the result, the twins are born. 

According to the biology about reproduction, we have success since that time. We know that we are born to bring forth the success from our birth. 

After a child is born, he grows up every day until he learns to walk.   When they learn to walk at first time, what happen to him? What does he do? 

He falls and then he gets up and walks again. He falls and then he gets up and walks again and again.
He never fails to get up. He tries to gets up all the time when he falls. If he falls and he gives up from getting up, he will never walk. This demonstrates us that when we are born, we are born with success since our mother’s womb. 

“I will praise You, Lord for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well”.  (Psalm 139:14)

The people of a country are poor because those people don’t have education. When they are uneducated, they don’t think right. Most people are thinking about what they don't want, and they're wondering why it shows up over and over again. 

Their thoughts create their future. 

When people are ignorant, they are cheated, and they become poor. When they are poor, they become sick.  
When they are sick, their sickness/illness pulls them down. They are poor until the end. 

Your life is given to you. Your life is in your hand. You are the owner of your life. You can shape or design your life into whatever you wish – good or bad, failed or successful, it is up to you. 
Live a happy life! Your life will be happy! 

Think what is good. And the good things will come into your life.

When the door of happiness is closed, another opens; but many of us continue only to look at the closed door. As a result, we often fail to see the new door with its new opportunities.

Do not trust appearances; they are often false. Do not interest yourself only in wealth; it may disappear.

Seek someone who communicates with you in laughter, for laughter can turn a sad day into a joyful one.

Dream whatever you desire to dream.
Go wherever you wish.
Seek whatever you desire.

The lucky ones do not always have the best. 
Often, they seek simply the best of what they see on their journey.

Your future happiness may well depend on your ability to leave the past behind.

Share this message to those you love and they count on you.

Never lose an opportunity to bring sunshine into the life of another. A few encouraging words could make a huge difference in someone’s life.

Life is beautiful!