Recents in Beach

One of a Local School in Mondulkiri

This is one of a local state school located in Pech Cheda district, Mondulkiri province. The school's name is "Leng Chhoung Primary School". In these pictures, you will see many things happened.

We asked for permission from the school principal to get into the school to visit them and we also had small gifts each one of them such as fruit, toothbrush, toothpastes and other things. We had our specialist to talk them how to take care their health, especially how to take care their teeth and instruct them to brush their teeth properly.

This is the slogan for their school.
It said. "Knowledge is the food and wisdom is a weapon."

This is the name of the school: "Leng Chhoung Primary School"

Date: December, Year 2014

They are focusing on their lessons.

This is the son of a female teacher. She took her son to the school. He was place on table while she was teaching the class. The boy was playing with the chalks, not paying attention with the guests coming around. 

This girl is reading her lesson with along stick for pointing each letter on the chalkboard.

The teacher is guiding her class to do other activities.

Our group got into their class to say hello to them.

They were paying their attention to listen to our special talking to them about taking care their teeth. We spoke our language (Khmer) and a translator translated Khmer to their language (their ) to make it easy for them to understand us. 
We live in the same country but we speak different languages.

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