Recents in Beach

A Memory Tree, Kandal

Hello, everyone who used to travel along the National Road Number One.
When you are traveling from the the east to the west (I means when you are traveling from Svey Rieng or Prey Veng to Phnom Penh) along the national road number 1, I am sure you have realized this big old tree.

When you look at the pictures, you do say, ''Oh I really see this tree", Me, too. But I don't know what its name is. Next time I will stop and ask the local people about its name. But if you know its name, let me know in the comment box below.

Do you know where it is located? It it is located in Khum Jambok Thom, Kiensvay district, Kandal province. (ឃុំចំបក់ធំ ស្រុកកៀនស្វាយ ខេត្ត​កណ្ដាល)។

When I first traveled on this highway in 1990s, from the Svay Rieng, I found this big tree. I just kept in mind. Many year later, I traveled again and again, many times, I still see that big tree. (View on Google Map Satellite)

I just want to post this big tree to remind me about my first traveling on this road.

Picture View by Google map

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