Recents in Beach

Activities on Kirirom National Park

Kirirom National Park is a national park in Cambodia. It is located mostly in Phnom Sruoch District, Kampong Speu Province, while a smaller section is in neighboring Koh Kong Province. (Wikipedia)

After a full-year hard work in the office, we need some times to rest, to relax, to have reunion with family and friends. We decided to take this happy time on Kirirom montain.

We spent time there for 3 days and 2 nights. We punt up tents by ourselves and some of us rent the tents while staying there. We went there on October - the month full of rains.  We had some more experiences on staying outside in the rain with the rents in the jungle. Life is not always in the same place, but life is the struggle for every storm standing in front of us.

Here are some of our pictures showing our the activities altogether. Enjoy!

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